Joanna Andres


Celebrating 100 days Old Birthday Tradition in Asian Cultures

Baby + Milestone Photography, Parenting

Baby smiling wearing a blue outfit with a hood with ears on them.

In many Asian cultures, the arrival of a newborn baby is a joyous occasion. But there’s another special milestone celebrated with much tradition – the baby’s 100th day. This isn’t just about marking time; it’s a celebration of the baby’s health, resilience, and good fortune in reaching this symbolic age. And to capture this special moment, a unique tradition has blossomed – the 100-day-old photoshoot.

Celebrating 100 Days: A Heartfelt Photoshoot Tradition in Asian Cultures 100th Day Birthday Tradition

Baby boy in a prop smiling

Capturing Precious Memories with 100-Day Birthday Tradition

The photos themselves are a cherished memento for the family. They capture the baby’s early features, the joy on the parents’ faces, and the love that surrounds them. These 100-day photos become a visual record of this special milestone, passed down through generations. The 100-day celebration has its roots in a time when infant mortality rates were considerably higher. Reaching 100 days was a significant benchmark, signifying the baby had successfully passed a critical stage in their development and was likely to thrive.

Today, while infant mortality rates have drastically improved, the tradition continues. It’s a way for families to express their gratitude, celebrate the baby’s health, and shower them with blessings for a long and prosperous life.

Baby Boy laying on belly wearing a neutral outfit and wood backdrop

A Celebration Filled with Symbolism

The 100-day photoshoot is more than just capturing a cute picture. It’s a visual representation of the celebration itself. Here are some key elements that often hold special meaning:

  • Vibrant Colors and Backdrops: Bright colors and festive backdrops are popular choices, symbolizing joy, prosperity, and a vibrant future for the baby.
  • Traditional Attire: Dressing the baby in a beautiful hanbok (Korean), áo dài (Vietnamese), or other traditional clothing signifies a connection to their cultural heritage.
  • Symbolic Props: Sometimes, props like peaches (representing longevity), longevity noodles (symbolizing a long life), or objects representing future professions are incorporated, expressing hopes and dreams for the child’s future.

Close up of baby smiling

Capturing Precious Memories

The photos themselves are a cherished memento for the family. They capture the baby’s early features, the joy on the parents’ faces, and the love that surrounds them. These photos become a visual record of this special milestone, passed down through generations.

This tradition isn’t just about capturing a perfect picture; it’s about capturing a feeling – the overwhelming love and pride parents feel for their child. It’s a celebration of family, heritage, and the promise of a bright future for the little one.

So, the next time you see a picture of a beautifully dressed baby surrounded by colorful decorations, it might not be a birthday party – it could be a celebration of a 100-day milestone, a heartwarming tradition steeped in love and cultural significance.

  Baby boy wearing a neutral outfit laying on their back

Baby boy wearing gray laying on his back with arms open smiling

If you’re searching for the perfect baby photographer in Columbus Ohio contact me here!  I’d love to capture your baby’s first 100th Day in this world.

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