Joanna Andres


Sitting Up Milestone Session|Baby McKenna|


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I was so happy to see Baby McKenna for her 6 Month Milestone Session.  She’s grown up so much since I last saw her when she was a newborn.  I just love these sessions so much. McKenna was such a happy little baby and I love playing dress up with her.  She looked adorable in ALL the outfits and I’m so glad her Mom loved them that we will be putting all these images in an album for her.  I know McKenna will LOVE looking back at these just like my kids love looking back at all their albums when they were a baby, too!  Thank you Plantz Family again.  I can’t wait for McKenna’s 1 Year Milestone next! 🙂 
IF you would like to look at my Sitting Up Milestone Portfolio just Click this link here!