Joanna Andres


6 Tips for Stay-at-Home Moms that are Returning to School with a Baby

Advice, Parenting

While it can be difficult for stay-at-home moms with babies to think about returning to school with a baby. After all, you have a lot on your plate — taking care of the home and kids, managing the family budget, and trying to find time for yourself. But if you’re looking for ways to improve your career prospects or business acumen, going back to school may be the answer. In this article, Joanna Andres Photography offers tips on how to make it happen. Plus, we provide information on affordable degree programs and online learning opportunities that can help you achieve your goals!

1. Research Professional Development Courses

If you’re not sure whether returning to school for an advanced degree is the right move for you, consider taking a professional development course instead. Professional development courses can help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in your field, and they often offer opportunities to network with other professionals. Plus, many professional development courses are available online, which makes them convenient and affordable.

Interested in taking a professional development course? There are a few things to keep in mind. First, be sure to choose a course that’s relevant to your career goals. Look for a course that allows you to validate your skills via an assessment, and you’ll be equipped to assign proper codes. Also, be sure to do your research and compare different courses before making a decision. And finally, make sure to budget accordingly — professional development courses can be expensive, but they can pay off big in the long run!

2. Consider Online Learning Opportunities

Interested in returning to school but don’t have the time or money to attend traditional classes? You can consider online learning opportunities. Online degree programs and courses have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason — they offer many benefits. For starters, notes that online learning is convenient.  Study when it’s best for you, which is especially needed when you have a baby in tow. Online courses are often more affordable than traditional courses. And online learning provides flexibility; you can take courses at your own pace and fit them into your schedule. Also, when pursuing an online degree or course, remember to do your research and compare different programs before making a decision. Second, ensure the program is accredited; this is important if you plan to pursue a career after completing the program. And don’t forget to budget for tuition and other associated costs!

3. Choose the Right Field

Now that you’re thinking of going back to school, it’s important to choose a degree program that will help you reach your goals.  Hoping to start your own business?  You’ll want to pursue a degree in business administration or entrepreneurship. Or with your bachelor of science in education, you could earn your teaching license and become a teacher. Another example is if you’re looking to re-enter the workforce, consider degrees in fields like nursing, or information technology. No matter what your goals may be, conduct research and find a school and program that fits your needs. There are many affordable opportunities for returning students, so there’s no need to feel overwhelmed or discouraged. Just be sure to balance your studies with your other responsibilities, and you’ll be on your way to success!

4. Prepare for the Workforce

In other words, after finishing your degree, it’s time to focus on the next step: finding a job. The Muse suggests starting by designing a professional resume that stands out. This document is your opportunity to show off your skills and experience, so list everything that makes you a great candidate. Try using a free resume generator that has templates you can personalize with your own images, copy, and other elements. Once your resume is ready, start sending it out to potential employers. Tailor each application to the specific company and position you’re applying for, and don’t be afraid to follow up with a phone call or email if you haven’t heard back after a few weeks. By putting in the effort, you’ll increase your chances of landing the job you want.

5. Quick Tips for New Entrepreneurs

To sum it up, many stay-at-home parents discover that starting a business gives them the flexibility, control, and scalability necessary to accomplish their financial and career goals. Here are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success if you decide to launch a company:   Research your industry and create a business plan that outlines your goals and how you’ll achieve them.
●    Build a strong team of experts who can help you with everything from marketing to accounting.
●    Create a marketing strategy that will help you reach your target audience.
●    Set realistic financial goals and track your progress to ensure you’re on track. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to starting a successful business.

6. Wrapping Up

In other words, returning to school with a baby as a stay-at-home mom with a baby is a big decision, but it can be an excellent way to enhance your career. You can achieve your goals and set yourself up for success with careful planning and execution. Don’t forget to research professional development courses and online degree programs. In order to determine whether entering the workforce or starting a business is the best path, create a stellar resume. Follow the tips above for paving the way to long-term success and fulfillment!

In conclusion, I hope these tips for Returning to school with a Baby will be useful.

So, if you’re a new mom and are wanting newborn portraits, connect with me!  Your Newborn and baby photographer Joanna with  Joanna Andres Photography will provide you with gorgeous portraits of those fleeting moments we all cherish throughout our lives. Connect with Joanna today! 614-306-4306