Joanna Andres


Children Photographer Columbus Ohio|Wyatt is 18 Months!|


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One of my favorite lil’ clients came to see me for his 18 month milestone session.  I have been photographing Wyatt since he was a newborn.   He’s grown so much since our last session in October and is talking a lot!  His favorite word is “OFF” and he loves to turn OFF the lights.  He also loves buttons and wanted to press all the buttons on my camera. 

He likes to move non-stop, but we had fun trying to get creative to get him to sit still. At one point instead of sitting on the bench, he took the bench and ran. I made sure to capture that moment and add it to the gallery.  One thing that did make him sit still was he loved to carry around this spray water bottle that his mom brought to style his hair.  When I would try to get the spray bottle out of his hands for the pic I would mist a little on his face and he thought that was the best thing ever!  We just kept spraying him and you’ll even notice the water on his face on some of his pictures. We had a lot of fun and I made sure to get my cuddles with him after the session.  I love these little clients of mine, they bring me so much joy!  Thank you Tressler Family for valuing photography and allowing me to capture these timeless moments for you. Interested in booking a milestone session? Click here for more information!