Ayla’s Sitting Up Milestone Session


Baby Photographer Upper Arlington Ohio_1104

Sweet little Ayla came to see me for her sitting up session.  Her Mom immediately told me as soon as she entered that Ayla is very shy at first.  She was right!  As soon as she saw me she started to give me the cutest little pouty face and tears!  We tried warming up but it didn’t work.  So finally I asked Mom what I could do to make her more comfortable and she said not to give her any attention – which was very hard for me to do.  But, Mom was right!  I just let Mom interact with her and started snapping and she was fine!  The first two images are my favorite because it shows her shy and pouty face which is adorable.  Then as you can see as we started to not give her any attention she felt more comfortable and gave Mom some smiles! Ayla has grown so much since her newborn session and I can’t wait to capture her again for her one year session! Interested in booking a sitter milestone session? You can contact me here!